Thursday, June 30, 2011

happy in the sun

So excited about: 

1. How SUPER FREAKIN' GORGEOUS the weather has been lately. I mean, what? I'm talking about the weather? It's really nice out, okay? 

2. The fact that I just made iced coffee for the next few days. But seriously, Europe, what's with the aversion to cold beverages (especially in relation to Item #1)?

3. July travels to Madrid, Banja Luka, and Dubrovnik (below). Standing in front of Guernica for too long. Seeing family members whose names I don't honestly remember (whoops (I haven't seen you in fifteen years (I'm a little sorry))). Laying on the beach for an entire week without moving.

4. Being halfway done with my "responsibilities" for the summer.

5. Potentially having a hot neighbor? Who are you, mystery buzz-cut boy? Do you really live across the hall or is it your equally-hot, high-heels-wearing, hair-dying, eternally-disinterested-looking girlfriend's place? Why do our paths continue to cross? Don't you need to borrow a cup of sugar or something? 

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